Dax loves counting and his ABC's. Even though he can't really sing or say the ABC's, and just knows a couple of the letters, which is still great. I saw this idea on How Does She, I found it here. I have been trying to decorate the boys' room in robot, since it is little boy like, bright bold colors, and hopefully will last awhile and wont grow out of it. I can always switch the robot stuff with cars,airplanes, monsters, super hero's, whatever they are into in a couple of years. I made my abc's a little different. I just screwed them into the wall, because I am no measurer ( if that is a word-apparently not, it has a squiggly red line under it!) The screws added to the robot feel. I could paint the screws black, but I actually like them. I started hanging these up one night myself. I got the A and the B up, but Cole could here me yelling. I get putting tiny holes in the wall. Dax then picked up "Gosh Dang it!" or "Dang it!". The Cole came in to rescue me, and finish hanging them up. Thanks hun! The boys' room is coming along very slowly, but getting there. I am getting excited about how it is looking, and so is Dax. He can now look at the "E HE A's" now anytime he wants. (usually when he is going to bed, we can hear him singing "E HE A's, E HE A's"